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Specialised Canvas Chesterfield Facility

Five Minutes with Sam Bramah

This short interview will allow you to learn more about his experience and expertise in manufacturing, as well as discover the opportunities and challenges that he sees for Specialised Canvas both now and in the future. Take some time to read our latest Q&A blog and spend five minutes with Sam.

Great View of the Garden!

ɡəˈziːbəʊ/ noun According to my online dictionary, a gazebo is ‘a small building, especially one in the garden of a house, that gives a wide view of the surrounding area’. This project has done exactly that and given its delighted owners and occupants an extremely wide view of their garden. Specialised Canvas Services are as pleased as our client with the way this has turned out and proves once again that given a challenge, we’ll rise to it. This particular…

Flexiplastics Supplying Face Shields to the Front Line

Flexiplastics, a division of Specialised Canvas Group, is based in Chesterfield just two minutes from junction 29a of the M1. During the Ebola outbreak in 2014, Flexiplastics were enlisted to work closely with the NHS and Ministry of Defence to manufacture medical isolators which were used to repatriate British nationals who were exposed to the virus.

Working with a Quality Assured Company

Following a week long audit in february 2023 of our property, people and processes we are delighted to announce that we gained re-certification of ISO 9001:2015 (quality management), ISO 14001:2015  (environmental management) and  for the ISO 45001:2018 (occupational health and safety).

In The News

As the nation prepares itself to deal with the disease in the coming weeks and most probably months, it’s also essential to think about the impact this will have on UK businesses and the economy as a whole – as we publish this post stocks are down 8% on the day! Supply chains are already being impacted, this will undoubtedly only worsen, and consumers buying habits will significantly change and become harder to predict.

Going Green

As a group, Specialised Canvas Services Ltd. is extremely committed to doing our part in the world’s ongoing efforts to reduce carbon output by continually reviewing our infrastructure and processes and making positive changes wherever achievable.

Further Investment in the Future

At the recent Metstrade fair in Amsterdam, the Specialised Canvas team discovered the Proliner, which is manufactured by the Dutch company Prodim, and recognised immediately that this product would be a great fit in our vast collection of machines and tools.

Significantly Increasing our Cutting Capacity

The Specialised Canvas Services Group has always believed heavily in investing both in our people and our infrastructure, ensuring we remain super competitive in all our markets and continue to supply our customers with a wide array of exceptional products and services.